Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I would like to share my testimony of our Savior  Jesus Christ. 
I know that He lives. 
I know that he atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemene. And more specifically I know that He atoned for my sins and my mistakes. 
I have felt the atonement at work in my life and I know it is there for anyone who has ever made mistakes or felt despair, grief and pain. Our Lord and Savior has been through it all so that we can become clean and so that our burdens may become light. 
He is the only begotten of the father. 
He is the perfect example. 
It is through Jesus Christ that we can receive a remission of our sins and one day return to the presence of our Father in Heaven. 
He lived. 
He died. 
And he rose again on the third day. 
That is what we celebrate this Easter season. 

I have attached some links to share with you all the joys of this easter season. Enjoy!

One of my favourite church hymns is "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". Go HERE to listen and read the inspired words.

Also watch THIS short Easter video. I loved it and wish to share it with all those who may find themselves reading this. 

I hope that we can all remember Jesus Christ and the atonement this Easter weekend and also remember it for many years to come.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Emerson was blessed on Sunday, March 22, 2014.  It was a beautiful blessing and Jorden did such a good job.  Emerson did a good job and did not cry until the very end when she spit out her soother.  I am so lucky to have a husband who worthily holds the priesthood and was able to bless our little girl.  I love Jorden and Emerson, they are my little family!  

As a side note my mother in-law made Emerson's blessing dress and it turned out beautifully!  Ruthanne is a very talented woman I was very excited when she asked if she could make Emerson's blessing dress.  I seriously have the BEST in-laws. They are so willing to help us out with whatever we need and whenever we may need it, they are such good grandparents to our little girl, and they are fun to be with. What more could we ever ask for.

It was so nice to have family with us on Emerson's special day.  We are so lucky and blessed to have the families that we do.  I do not know what we would do without them.